Our Partners

The RGR Cell and Department of Agriculture (DoA) are implementing the project through its extension wing jointly covering 1200 villages during current financial year.

Sir Ratan Tata Trust And Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust

Tata Trusts are amongst India's oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organisations. The Trusts own two-third of the stock holding of Tata Sons, the apex company of the Tata group of companies. The wealth that accrues from this asset supports an assortment of causes, institutions and individuals in a wide variety of areas. In this manner, the profits that the Tata companies earn go back many times over to the communities they operate in. These funds have been deployed towards a whole range of community development programmes across the country, for over a 100 years now.


Department Of Agriculture, Government Of Punjab

The State Department of Agriculture is the government agency responsible for agricultural development by designing and implementing the policy framework/government schemes, providing financial resources and support services required to improve farm income and generate work opportunities for farmers and rural workers. In Punjab, the State Department of Agriculture has been a long-time implementation partner of the RGR Cell and has further provided substantial financial support for joint implementation of various projects.

Department Of Agriculture, Government Of Tamil Nadu

The State Department of Agriculture is the government agency responsible for agricultural development by designing and implementing the policy framework/government schemes, providing financial resources and support services required to improve farm income and generate work opportunities for farmers and rural workers. In Tamil Nadu, the Department of Agriculture has provided financial and extension services support through mobile advisory services.

Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana was established in 1962 and performs the integrated functions of Teaching, Research and Extension in Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science and Allied Disciplines. PAU has been responsible for the release of 511 varieties of different food, fiber crops, pulses, oilseeds and sugar cane, out of which 99 have been recommended at the national level. The University provides technical expertise as well as field validation support to the RGR Cell in Punjab.

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (tnau), Coimbatore

TNAU was instituted in Coimbatore in 1971 and is rated amongst the top State Agricultural Universities in India. TNAU is responsible for all agricultural education, research and technology development in Tamil Nadu and supported the State Agricultural Department by delivering research products. Extension is another major function of TNAU, which is linked to dissemination of agricultural technologies developed by the research systems of the University. TNAU has a number of patents to its name and provides technical and field validation support to RGR Cell projects in Tamil Nadu, both from Coimbatore Main Campus as well as through TNAU run KVKs across the State.

World Wildlife Fund

The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF’s unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.

Titan Company Limited

The Nature Conservancy (tnc)

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has provided grant support for the implementation of Promoting Regenerative and No-Burn Agriculture (PRANA) program in Punjab.

Better Cotton Growth And Innovation Fund (bci Gif)

Better Cotton Growth and Innovation Fund (BCI GIF) has provided grant for the implementation of sustainable Cotton production program in Punjab.

Trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation

trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation has provided grant support for the implementation of sustainable tea production program in Tamil Nadu.


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